
If you love reading but sometimes find it hard to find just the right book, then you’ve come to the right place. Book Chat comes out every two weeks and contains great reading recommendations and the occasional recipe. I only recommend books I’ve actually read, and they are nearly always from the library.

My reading tastes

I enjoy books that are well-written, but not too high-brow.

This includes literary fiction, memoir, contemporary fiction and non-fiction, thrillers, as well as historical fiction and science-fiction, but rarely fantasy or horror. They’re not my thing.

I like books that are funny, surprising, thought-provoking, or heart-breaking. To be honest, anything well-written is on my radar, regardless of the genre.

What others have said

Marg’s newsletter is like a warm hug in my inbox.

Book Chat is an infallible source of reading inspiration.

Book Club

We also have a book club which is free for subscribers. We meet every three months or so, via the magic of the internet. You don’t need to join up or register. Just let me know you’re interested and I’ll send you an invitation for the next meeting. Some of the books we’ve read so far are:

  • The Collected Works of AJ Fikry by Gabrielle Zevin

  • The Midnight Library by Matt Haig

  • Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver

  • Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt

  • How to Build a Boat by Elaine Feeney

A little bit about me

an image of the writer
Marg Moon - reader, writer, editor

I’m a writer living near Sydney, Australia. I publish short personal essays on my website and spend the rest of my time reading, cooking, playing music, and doing sporadic gardening.

Book Chat is free for all subscribers. If you like it, please ask your reading friends to subscribe so we can all talk about books together.

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Book recommendations and recipes from your reading friend


Reader, writer, lover of simple things.