I loved reading about your early life, Marg, and really look forward to part 2. I can relate to discovering comfort and refuge in reading in childhood—and later on as well. The books I read—and even those that were read to me—still have particular meaning for me now, and others that I shared with my son have also, though in a different way. Congratulations on 100 issues. I enjoy every one!💕
Oh Ruth, you are such a gem. I’m truly surprised at how much fun it has been to reflect on my relationship to books and food. And even more surprised to find that readers find it interesting!!
I must tell you that I was encouraged to write about my life after reading some of your recent pieces. Also, my son suggested I write about my reading life (with recipes) so I’m grateful to you both.
I love hearing other's stories. This was so great and I am looking forward to reading more. My mom used to make similar dumplings--carmel dumplings. I haven't made them in years! Looking forward to more of your story.
I loved learning more about you and your love of reading. Bless your parents' young hearts - especially your mom that Christmas. I loved and still love Enid Blyton and have my original Secret Sevens that I read in the 1980s. I doubt any of the children in my family, although readers, will read them. But it pleases me to keep them! How many books could you carry, out of interest? :)
To be honest, I probably over-estimated the number of books I could carry. I have a tendency to do that. Just last week I visited the library and the stack of reserved books was bigger than I anticipated, but I still borrowed all of them.
Thank you for your kind comments and I love that you still have your childhood books. It still have some of my mother’s books and I’m sure they’ll go in the bin one day, but in the meantime, I’m keeping them.
Well done on reaching 100 issues. It's interesting to read about what is also my life history from a different perspective (sorry about the clubs), but I still loathe Mum's version of tuna mornay.
I loved reading about your early life, Marg, and really look forward to part 2. I can relate to discovering comfort and refuge in reading in childhood—and later on as well. The books I read—and even those that were read to me—still have particular meaning for me now, and others that I shared with my son have also, though in a different way. Congratulations on 100 issues. I enjoy every one!💕
Oh Ruth, you are such a gem. I’m truly surprised at how much fun it has been to reflect on my relationship to books and food. And even more surprised to find that readers find it interesting!!
I must tell you that I was encouraged to write about my life after reading some of your recent pieces. Also, my son suggested I write about my reading life (with recipes) so I’m grateful to you both.
I love hearing other's stories. This was so great and I am looking forward to reading more. My mom used to make similar dumplings--carmel dumplings. I haven't made them in years! Looking forward to more of your story.
Thanks Jackie. Some of those old recipes are still in rotation, others not so much. I’m probably more of a salad person now, but I still love cake.
I’m working on the next instalment now. It’s a fun project.
I loved learning more about you and your love of reading. Bless your parents' young hearts - especially your mom that Christmas. I loved and still love Enid Blyton and have my original Secret Sevens that I read in the 1980s. I doubt any of the children in my family, although readers, will read them. But it pleases me to keep them! How many books could you carry, out of interest? :)
To be honest, I probably over-estimated the number of books I could carry. I have a tendency to do that. Just last week I visited the library and the stack of reserved books was bigger than I anticipated, but I still borrowed all of them.
Thank you for your kind comments and I love that you still have your childhood books. It still have some of my mother’s books and I’m sure they’ll go in the bin one day, but in the meantime, I’m keeping them.
I love your bio story. Keep going!!❤️
Thank you! 💕
Congratulations, Marg, on your 100th Book Chat Issue. I hope to read many more.
Just ordered myself a copy of The Secret Seven #1. It's exactly the vintage that I loved as a child. No caveats necessary. We live and learn!
Thanks so much for your support and interest Moira. I hope you enjoy The Secret Seven.
Well done on reaching 100 issues. It's interesting to read about what is also my life history from a different perspective (sorry about the clubs), but I still loathe Mum's version of tuna mornay.