Hello reading friends, I’m glad you’re here.
If you’ve just subscribed, please pop over to my About Page to find out more about this newsletter and the kind of books I read and recommend.
Let’s dive in to today’s edition.
What I’ve been reading
I take reading very seriously. Some may say too seriously.
It could be said that I spend too much time thinking about my next read and deliberating about which book I should recommend for your reading pleasure. Should I choose something light and undemanding? Heaven knows we all need some time off to look after ourselves.
Or should I recommend a book which captures your heart and your attention. I couldn’t decide, so here are two options.
Firstly, a lighter read recommended by my sister Jenni, an avid reader and subscriber to this newsletter.
Lenny Marks Gets Away with Murder (by Australian author Kerryn Mayne) is a funny book with some serious themes. It follows the trend of books about people who don’t fit in, but who are quirky and loveable. Sometimes this seems like a marketing ploy - Eleanor Oliphant was a huge hit so why not replicate it? Fortunately Lenny Marks is not only odd, but genuinely charming.
The story follows Lenny (who is definitely on the spectrum) as she navigates the world, faces up to some buried traumas, and falls in love. There are some sections at the end which could have been tightened up (that’s my editor brain talking) but overall, this is a charming book.
My second pick is also about a young person on the autism spectrum. I met Elaine Feeney at a workshop at the Edinburgh Book Festival. She was leading a book group discussion about another author’s work, but she also talked about her own writing process. As a result, I decided to read her novel (How to Build a Boat) and it did not disappoint. It’s one of those books you never forget and want everyone to read.
Elaine is a poet and the book has a poetic feel to it, but it’s not hard to read. Like Lenny, the young protagonist is puzzled about the world and how it seems to operate, and quite honestly, you can’t help but agree with him. People are weird and sometimes mean, but they are also glorious and often kind in unexpected ways. Although I originally thought the title was some kind of metaphor for life, it really is about building a boat, a curragh in this case. I loved this book and urge you to read it. The characters are all warm, complex and human.
What I’ve been eating
We are on a bit of a health kick in our house, so I’ve mainly been eating salad. I tried this recipe for parsnip salad and it was moderately successful. I don’t really like parsnips all that much but the dressing was lovely so I will probably make it with carrots next time. It’s a handy recipe if you are feeding vegans of gluten-free eaters.

Book club
If you’ve previously attended book club, you will have received an invitation to the next meeting in January 2024.
NOTE: 18th Jan in the US and Canada - 19th in Australia and New Zealand.
If you’d like to attend and haven’t got an invite, send me a quick email and I’ll add you to the list. It’s a low-pressure, friendly book club. Everyone is welcome and it’s free.
We are reading Remarkable Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt; a charming book. I’m really looking forward to discussing it with you.
More bookish fun
Do you have children or grandchildren in your life? Or maybe (like me) you just love children’s books. I’m a big fan and often read picture books and middle-grade fiction for pleasure and relaxation. Here are a couple of newsletters I subscribe to which have great reading suggestions and hints for engaging young readers.
That’s all for this edition, but before you go why not tell me what you are reading? I’d love to know.
Have a great reading fortnight and take some time to read and relax if you can.
Warm wishes
Marg xxx
Oh!! I’m mentioned in your Substack! ::blush:: I so appreciate the recommendation and support, it means so so much to me!
In OTHER awesome news, I’m wrapping up Remarkably Bright Creatures right now (my library loan came through in time!) and I’d love to book club!
I mainly read Suspense, Thriller and mystery novels and I have recently started a newsletter on this site too.
I am currently reading I am Watching You by Teresa Driscoll. She is an author that I first read less month and really enjoy.